NJ(!)-04-Chris Smith pays IN STATE tuition at U.Va.

This story at Politico is truly amazing. Josh Zeitz’s opponent, long-time incumbent (and ‘pro-life’ House caucus chair) Chris Smith, is paying in state tuition for his child enrolled at the University of Virginia. Smith is, in theory, representing the people of the Fourth District of New Jersey.

As if we didn’t already know that Chris Smith was out of touch with his New Jersey constituents. We learned not long ago that, in the last eight years, he has spent maybe two dozen nights a year in his home district (which is not in, say, Alaska, but only a reasonable two hours-plus by train from Washington, DC). He is basically a full-time resident of the great state (no disrespect meant here) of Virginia.

More after the jump.

This is a huge story that has the potential to reshape the media narrative in this fight. A number of major bloggers are covering this already.

Matt Stoller at Open Left has a diary up, as does Josh Marshall at TPM, and Matthew Yglesias at Think Progress. Blue Jersey has front paged this story as well, and is doing a great job of getting the word out to New Jersey Democrats.

This is a wave election, and this is our best chance in more than 25 years to sweep out a pro-deregulation, pro-Bush foreign policy conservative who is radical on social issues, especially those related to reproductive rights. Remember that Smith has introduced, on twenty two occasions, bills that would outlaw the common, everyday birth control pill and the IUD.

Josh Zeitz needs your help. Please consider volunteering as well as donating. To volunteer contact steve_at_joshzeitz_dot_com.


2 thoughts on “NJ(!)-04-Chris Smith pays IN STATE tuition at U.Va.”

  1. In-state tuition would be based the student’s legal residence, not the parent’s. Presumably his kids have been living in VA while their father is serving in Congress, and that is were they went to high school etc. Under those circumstances, it would be a very legitimate basis for claiming VA residence – and after going to school etc in VA they would presumably have problems claiming NJ residence if they wanted.

    Members of Congress have a tough time handling a family while their job simultaneously involves being in DC and representing their home district. It doesn’t surprise me that many members choose to bring their families with them to live in DC (or VA). (Although in Chris Smith’s case, the Metroliner means he could make it easier than members from California…Joe Biden certainly proved that could be done.., although Smith’s district is far enough away that a daily commute would be pretty rough )

    Anyway, sounds like I’m defending Smith more than I intend to — I think the argument that he is out of touch with his district is totally legit, and this might be a way to illustrate it. But his kids qualifying for in-state VA tuition isn’t as outrageous as it may sound on first hearing it.

    Good luck — I’d love to see this right wing crazy retired involuntarily this year!

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